They say the darkest nights produce the brightest stars…but sometimes after suffering trauma or abuse, you’re not just dealing with a dark night. It feels as if you’re fighting through dense fog…suffocating in the cold air. Feeling at times like you’re losing your mind, while noises in the wind, lurk all around you. Trying to find your way home seems as if you’re lost in an endless tunnel, with no light in sight. After my loss…these were many of my nights…With what felt like little hope and surrounded by confusion, I had no idea how or where to turn. Desperately, I strived to find a way out of my darkness…a way to begin my journey of healing. I felt I was dying inside, my energy was all but gone. I needed something / anything to keep my head above the turbulent water. So, I put forth all my efforts & poured thousands of hours into researching natural healing techniques. Thinking outside the box & going beyond mainstream healing, my life took on new meaning. I noticed the sun was shining…the fog I was in began to lift…inner peace & serenity were no longer distant memories, but something that was within my grasp. This is where I’m proud to share my story…and I am here to help you with your life struggles. Hi…I’m Jacquie & I created “The Natural Healing Reel” a way to find your purpose. Because of my passion to heal myself naturally…and a new found inner love, I’m extremely passionate to share with you, these effective healing modalities. If I can help just one person find their way through the dense fog, then my podcast has served its purpose. Please join me on this magical ride as I talk with experts in this amazing, possibly life saving field…of Natural Healing.