Our guests today on “The Natural Healing Reel” are Dr. Donald Gordon and Jaimie MacArthur. Dr. Gordon is the founder and executive director of the Center for Divorce Education and the CEO of Family Works, Inc. He is internationally recognized as an expert in the field of parent-child relationships. Jaimie MacArthur is also with the Center for Divorce Education and acts as the Director of Operations. With the Company for close to 8 years, Jaimie’s role is aiding parents navigate classes designed to improve their co-parenting relationship, while also strengthening bonds with their kids. Established in 1987, the Center offers on-line and in person programs for children and adults who are facing divorce.
In this episode, Dr. Gordon and Jaimie elaborate on the programs that they offer, sharing strategies for those struggling with the process. They also explain the importance of the child-parent relationship to help parents grasp a better understanding of their children’s emotions.
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