Our guest today on “The Natural Healing Reel” is Jude Hotep. Jude is a Female Shaman, Astrologer, Past Life Channel, and Soul Coach. Her program is “The Alchemical Goddess”, where she performs individual Astrology Readings and provides Shamanic Astrological Soul Coaching. She works with Divine Feminine Soulpreneurs from around the world to heal, awaken, and liberate humanity.
In this episode, we talk about her journey and how women are awakening, rising and stepping into their autonomy and authority by relying on intuition. Jude also reveals the art of focusing on positive things, that we can create, in our everyday lives. As an Astrologer, Jude also tackles our planet’s happenings and its connection to our lives.
In watching this episode of “The Natural Healing Reel”, you’re sure to gain new insights and find inspiration that you can apply to your life. I trust you’ll enjoy this episode and be sure to hit like, share, and subscribe today.